Saturday, October 31, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Levi was proud to represent FNB Bank in the Murray Freedom Fest Parade today. He was escorted by Nana and PawPaw and was the star of the entire event. The mayor just called to let me know that they are renaming the parade in honor of Levi Dunnaway - the coolest kid in Murray. With the assistance of an eager Nana, Levi tracked down enough candy to last him and plenty of other parade paraphernalia. If you're wondering, yes that is a harness my son is wearing. It's hard to keep a leash on greatness, but we do the best we can.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
LEVI USED HIS POTTY TODAY!!! For those who don't know, we started working on potty training yesterday. I have no idea what I'm doing with this whole potty training thing, but it looks like we're on the right track.
On a sad note, I shut Levi's finger in the door yesterday and it's all purple and swollen - pretty gross looking. Hoping it starts to look better soon!
On a sad note, I shut Levi's finger in the door yesterday and it's all purple and swollen - pretty gross looking. Hoping it starts to look better soon!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Levi had a lot of fun playing with the Dunnaway side of the family on Memorial Day! We had a waterballoon dodgeball game and a cook-out. I think i can safely say that a good time was had by all. 
Levi is doing so many new things these days. He loves french fries and even starts screaming "fry, fry" whenever he sees a McDonalds commercial. He still tries to eat soap and lotion, a habit I've been trying to break (unsuccessfully). He likes to play "ring around the Rosey" and "I'm gonna get you." He can say "Juice" and "More" and almost always says "thank you" (even when it's not necessary). It's hard to see him growing up right in front of my very eyes!
Monday, April 27, 2009
levi's haircut
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I was ready to go to work on Monday to recover from all the running we did on Easter!!!! Here's a photo summary:
Playing Basketball (with a soccer ball) with Lil' David
Blowing Dandelions
Mom's favorite picture!!!
Dumping the eggs on his head
All in all, it was a great holiday! Next year Levi will be ready to give all the other kids a run for their money in the big hunt!!!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Spring Break
Monday, March 16, 2009
Playing Outside
Yesterday, we played outside and helped dad clean the garage out. Levi got a hair cut this week - he's sporting his super cute big boy look in the pics below. He's got a few tricks up his sleeve to show-off on Easter. He's singing the 1-800-Safe Auto commercial. He can point to his ears, eyes, nose and mouth. He can count to ten and says thankyou when you hand him things. Oh, and he learned how to dip his fries in ketchup... And his fingers... And his toys... and Mommy...
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Spring Fever...
We finally got to go outside and play today! Praise God for decent weather! We survived the ice storm very well last week with a little help from a generator. Both sets of grandparents are still without power though. Levi had so much fun outside today. He played with his truck and dad took him for a ride in the wheel barrow. He tried to pick up every single ball in the yard all at the same time. I can't wait for summer!
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