Saturday, June 28, 2008

Family Fun

I realized that I hadn't put any family pictures up in a while. Yep - dad and i still exist, contrary to popular opinion that Levi is the only person of value in the world. I'm wiping the tears here. Pity party time!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Play Date!

The Smee's came over last night for supper and a play date! Here are some pictures to prove it!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Latest Accomplishments...

It's pretty weird watching a baby turn into a real person. I mean that in the nicest way possible. It seems like just yesterday when Levi was just a person shaped blob of humanity that could only eat, poop and cry. Well, eating, pooping and crying are still pretty high on his list, but he can do a ton of other stuff as well!!! Here's a quick list of Levisms as of the last few days:

1. Still loves Wheel of Fortune - also enjoys Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Jeopardy.

2. Wants mom and dad to "walk" him everywhere. He grabs our fingers and takes off.

3. Favorite place to walk: anywhere painful. Gravel, mulch, hot concrete. No grass here.

4. Doesn't want to eat baby food anymore. Wants mommy's food.

5. Can drink out of a straw!!!!! And loves it!!!

6. Working on drinking from a cup. We practice in the bathtub (not with bath water!) He's progressing nicely.

7. Likes to grab Turbo and SQUEEZE.

8. Can crawl up steps... down is a different story...

9. Can dismantle office chairs.

10. We're working on saying, "John McCain"...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Picture Update

I know I've been a little late in getting some of these up - but they are worth waiting for, if you ask me!!! Here's Levi after eating a cookie yesterday...
Here's levi in his pool. This is the funny face he makes when he's trying to make a point. i think he's got water in his eyes...

Here's our very first hair cut! He wants to eat the scissors. luckily, we pulled this off with no major incidents...

Here he is about 10 minutes before his first haircut. one last reminder of what the Shaggy Levi looked like. I really like his hair cut :)
More video coming soon... he's been up to more cute stuff then I can keep up with!