Thursday, June 19, 2008

Latest Accomplishments...

It's pretty weird watching a baby turn into a real person. I mean that in the nicest way possible. It seems like just yesterday when Levi was just a person shaped blob of humanity that could only eat, poop and cry. Well, eating, pooping and crying are still pretty high on his list, but he can do a ton of other stuff as well!!! Here's a quick list of Levisms as of the last few days:

1. Still loves Wheel of Fortune - also enjoys Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Jeopardy.

2. Wants mom and dad to "walk" him everywhere. He grabs our fingers and takes off.

3. Favorite place to walk: anywhere painful. Gravel, mulch, hot concrete. No grass here.

4. Doesn't want to eat baby food anymore. Wants mommy's food.

5. Can drink out of a straw!!!!! And loves it!!!

6. Working on drinking from a cup. We practice in the bathtub (not with bath water!) He's progressing nicely.

7. Likes to grab Turbo and SQUEEZE.

8. Can crawl up steps... down is a different story...

9. Can dismantle office chairs.

10. We're working on saying, "John McCain"...

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