Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Birthday Party Invitation

Can you believe that Levi is almost 1 year old??? It just doesn't seem possible... In light of the first annual Levi-fest, we will be hosting a BIRTHDAY PARTY at our house next week! Here are the details:

When: Saturday, 7/26, 1-3 p.m.
Where: Dunnaway house - email or call me for directions...
Who: All our family and friends

Just give me a call or an email if you plan on coming so that I can have enough cake for everyone!

If you want to bring a present for Levi, here are a few things he loves:

- anything with a wheel on it!
- hard books - he likes books so much, he tries to eat them and rip them to shreds - they gotta be tough!
- big fan of the alphabet and the alphabet song
- Baby Einstein DVD's
- cash - Nana (tina) has a savings account set up for Levi. You can deposit directly into the account, but any cash he receives will also go into his account.

Don't feel obligated to bring a present though - Levi just looks forward to seeing all his family and friends and sharing his BIG DAY with everyone he loves...

Hope to see you there!

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