Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ice Day

First off, let me just say that I hate cold weather.  I desperately wanted to stay inside in my pajamas today underneath a layer of blankets; however, I am a mother of boys.  As a mother of boys I have a certain obligation to make sure they go outside to play - especially if there's something particularly dangerous about the weather. Levi didn't really want to go outside, but Andrew lives for the "SIDE" (outside in Andrew lingo).  He stood by the windows all morning pointing and saying, "side, side, side, side, side".  So, we bundled up and went outside.  We trekked around the pond twice.  We threw the ball into the basketball goal once (it was frozen solid so the ball stuck).  Andrew slipped and fell flat on his face and I thought for sure he was ready to go in; but as soon as we went inside he started crying for the "SIDE" once again.  He's a man. 


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